Survival in patients with chondrosarcomas has not improved over 40 years. As surgery is the key treatment for chondrosarcoma patients, surgeons at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in Birmingham, set out to investigate if the use of computer navigation to guide surgery, would result in improved outcomes for patients with chondrosarcoma of the [...]
The Chondrosarcoma Foundation has just posted an article that you should review and reference as a guide for your treatment and care. John M. Gross, MD joined the Chondrosarcoma Foundation Board in May, 2020. During his transition from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD; Dr. Gross worked on [...]
John M. Gross, MDThe Johns Hopkins HospitalBaltimore, MD President’s Note: John M. Gross, MD joined the Chondrosarcoma Foundation Board in May, 2020. During his transition from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD; Dr. Gross worked on this article in his spare time. It is written to educate Oncologists, [...]
Mike SnyderAlbuquerque, New Mexico You’ve just endured the difficult news that you or a loved one has chondrosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer sometimes referred to as CS. And you suddenly find yourself dealing with an avalanche of questions regarding treatment options, choice of doctors, locations for treatment, and what your next steps should [...]
One year ago on this date Shayna asked us to wear yellow shirts and take the pictures you see to honor Sarcoma Awareness Month. Shayna’s vision was to bring attention to Chondrosarcoma and help the public understand that although it is rare and effects only a small population, trying to find a cure is just [...]
What do the Sunflower and Sarcomas have in common? 🎗🌻 The sunflower has been a symbol for Sarcoma Awareness since 2001 and like the 50 different types of sarcomas, scientists have discovered over 50 different sunflower species Like survivors and fighters of sarcomas, the sunflower is unique, full of promise and hope. Missed Progress in [...]
Did You Know? A yellow ribbon represents many things, including suicide prevention, support for American troops and for cancer warriors and survivors. It is a symbol for over 50 sub-types of malignant tumors that effect bones and soft tissue, otherwise known as Sarcomas. July is Sarcoma Awareness Month! Show your support for the fight against [...]
July is Sarcoma Awareness Month! 🎗 . Sarcomas effect more than 50,000 Americans with roughly 15,000 new cases each year, yet it is still largely considered a “forgotten” cancer due to a lack of research & drug development. . Sarcoma awareness month puts an emphasis on sarcoma education in communities around the world to ensure [...]
Thank you again to everyone who joined us for our 6th #BiteSizeResearch webinar on Friday. We hope you found the work of Professor Flanagan inspiring. If you missed it, you can now watch it via a YouTube link available on our main page: