March 29, 2023 1:12 am Published by admin Antoine Gilbert 1, Mihaela Tudor 2,3, Juliette Montanari 1, Kevin Commenchail 1 , Diana Iulia Savu 2 ,Paul Lesueur 4,5,6 and François Chevalier 1,* Simple Summary: This review article aims in describing the origins of chondrosarcoma radiation-resistance and proposes several potential solutions in order to improve the treatment, in regard with tumor grade and characteristics. [...]
March 23, 2023 12:44 am Published by admin Some of you may not know who Amber Sarcone is. In Philly, she’s a part of the royal family. Her family runs Sarcone’s Bakery, makers of some of the most delicious damn bread you’ll ever have the pleasure of shoving into your mouth. Her cousin is Danny, who owns Angelo’s Pizzeria–makers of the best cheesesteak [...]
March 16, 2023 8:36 pm Published by admin A research team led by Dr Darrell Green, a trustee of the Bone Cancer Research Trust, have identified a new drug that works against all main forms of bone cancer. Researchers at the University of East Anglia discovered that the drug, called ‘CADD522’, works by blocking a gene associated with metastatic disease. Preliminary studies suggest [...]
March 15, 2023 6:22 pm Published by admin The Chondrosarcoma Foundation in partnership with the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD®) has launched the Chondrosarcoma Patient Registry. The patient registry creates a platform for patients around the world to strengthen their voices and provide critical information about their experiences living with this rare bone cancer. This global resource will provide data for researchers [...]
March 5, 2023 6:31 pm Published by admin The Chondrosarcoma Foundation is developing a Patient / Family/ Caregiver Advisory Board in the effort to create a voice for chondrosarcoma patient’s and caretakers to address concerns and advocate for effective treatment and quality care. The advisory board will serve to give those afflicted with this rare disease an opportunity to share their personal journeys, [...]
March 2, 2023 4:52 pm Published by admin The Chondrosarcoma Foundation in partnership with the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD®) has launched the Chondrosarcoma Patient Registry. Chondrosarcoma is a rare bone cancer that currently has no cure. Its prevalence and origin are unknown. Because chondrosarcoma is rare, there is also a lack of knowledge of the demographics of those who develop chondrosarcoma [...]
February 24, 2023 7:33 pm Published by admin The time has come to make rare diseases a national public health imperative For decades, the rare disease community has been striving for greater recognition and scientific breakthroughs addressing the unmet medical needs millions of Americans face every day. And with Rare Disease Day 2023 serving as a milestone to acknowledge the critical role of [...]
February 20, 2023 6:28 pm Published by admin The Chondrosarcoma Foundation is developing a Patient / Caregiver / Family Advisory Board in the effort to create a voice for the chondrosarcoma community to address concerns and advocate for effective treatment and quality care. The advisory board will serve to give those afflicted with this rare disease an opportunity to share their personal journeys, [...]
February 3, 2023 9:51 pm Published by admin Join the Fight Wear A Yellow Ribbon on Monday, February 6. Post Your Picture to #CSWECARE Sign Our Petition for more Clinical Trials:
January 29, 2023 6:20 pm Published by admin We are just one week away from hosting Chondrosarcoma Awareness Day on February 6 (Shayna’s heavenly 32nd birthday). This is our international effort to educate the public about this rare bone cancer and to build a coalition to support more research and clinical trials. The more attention we create, the more support we generate. Show [...]