Ricky Ashman Sky Dives in Salisbury UK to raise funds for the Chondrosarcoma Foundation
Check out this amazing video of Ricky Ashman’s sky dive in Salisbury, United Kingdom. He raised over 1300 Sterling for the Chondrosarcoma Foundation to honor his mother Harriet Stone who is a Chondrosarcoma Warrior. He jumped from 15,000 feet, flying at a distance of 125 mph.
I think I might have to match his amazing efforts here in the US.
https://www.facebook.com/ricky.ashman.3/videos/632947575166649/?__cft__[object 0]=AZVnhzoEEFoNWgcj0xoxIzW5GNvOkCbqpUAUu1RzGsp1HYm31ZfXcMK-cVaFkDoY6xEWdVNCdNqn371_MjQwoFcuuF3Pezn3nCgfmJUcxFfqkYPfxnM6ZBAeThXpK3Gw8qowHpP-lat0hXdvgLplA6ZRDCnQp6xK58C_bwVsSRZAHg&__tn__=-UK-R