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Chondrosarcoma CS Foundation, Inc.

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    Meet Your Presenters: for the Chondrosarcoma Foundation Fifth International Virtual Dialogue on Wednesday, October 4. 2023

    Chondrosarcoma Foundation: Fifth International Virtual Dialogue (VIA Zoom)
    Future Initiatives for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chondrosarcoma

    Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2023
    Time: 7:00PM – 9:00PM (EST / New York)

    The event is free, all we need is your e-mail address to send you the Zoom link.

    The Chondrosarcoma Foundation, Inc. will host their fifth International Forum / Virtual Dialogue featuring the following prominent experts to address new innovations, findings, and technologies to improve the treatment of Chondrosarcoma.

    It is very important that you are aware of your treatment options as well as what innovative treatment will become available through research and clinical trials.

    Meet Karina Galoian, Ph.D.; Targeting Stems Cells to Treat Chondrosarcoma

    Karina Galoian, Ph.D.
    , is a research associate professor in the Dept of Orthopaedics at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine and is Research Director of the Sarcoma Disease Site Group at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Galoian is a Principal Investigator of Musculoskeletal Oncology Signal Transduction Laboratory. Her research is focused on neuropeptide derivatives to target specific populations of cancer stem cells and destroy them in chondrosarcomas and soft tissue sarcomas. These cells are responsible for drug and therapy resistance, cancer spread and recurrence. Dr. Galoian will address using stem cells and specifically how the neuropeptide PRP-1 can be used to treat chondrosarcoma.

    Karina is the CS Foundation Second Vice President for Biomedical Research She joined the Foundation because of her dedication and goal to make a difference in this field and find clues for a cure. The neuropeptide PRP-1demonstrates promising potential in inhibiting chondrosarcoma cells by targeting cancer stem cells Dr Galoian’s personal statement below speaks volumes:

    “The rare disease by itself most of the time is overlooked by funding agencies and even, by public awareness, though it becomes first but desperate priority when the tragedy knocks the door, then it becomes personal…”

    In 2019 she lost her beloved husband Roman to another aggressive rare incapacitating disease without cure called cardiac amyloidosis.

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