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Chondrosarcoma CS Foundation, Inc.

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  • 301-352-3042

    Join the CS Foundation Patient / Caregiver / Family Advisory Board

    The Chondrosarcoma Foundation is developing a Patient / Caregiver / Family Advisory Board in the effort to create a voice for the chondrosarcoma community to address concerns and advocate for effective treatment and quality care.

    The advisory board will serve to give those afflicted with this rare disease an opportunity to share their personal journeys, provide their point of view and insight into research, clinical trials; treatment and address related policies and procedures that effect their medical decisions and contribute to better care and solutions towards treatment. Bottom-line is we want to have CS Warriors , Family members and Caregivers have a seat at the table, provide their input and insight to decision makers where many decisions have been made about their care without them. This is an opportunity for the CS Community to come together and collectively share our views, include our voice in improving research, clinical trials and interventions / treatment of chondrosarcoma.

    Our first meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 7 at 7:30PM (EST / New York time)

    If you are interested in joining us, please either PM me or e-mail me at info; include your name and e-mail address. I will send you the Zoom link and the agenda.

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